


1. ISO9001: 2015质量管理体系

ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems—Requirements

GB/T 19001-2016质量管理体系要求

2. ISO14001:2015环境管理体系

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems—Requirements with guidance for use

GB/T 24001 - 2016环境管理体系要求及使用指南

3. ISO45001: 2018职业健康安全管理体系

ISO45001:2018 - Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

GB/T 45001-2020职业健康安全管理体系 要求及使用指南

4. ISO22000: 2005 & 2018食品安全管理体系

ISO22000:2005 - Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain  

ISO22000:2018 - Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain


GB/T 22000-2006食品安全管理体系 食品链中各类组织的要求

5. ISO22301: 2012 & 2019业务连续性管理体系

ISO22301:2012 - Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements

ISO22301:2019 - Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements


GB/T 30146-2013公共安全 业务连续性管理体系要求

6. ISO27001:2013信息安全管理体系

ISO/IEC 27001:2013-Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements

GB/T 22080-2016信息技术安全技术信息安全管理体系要求

7. ISO20000: 信息技术服务管理体系

ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Information technology — Service management — Part 1: Service management system requirements

8. ISO50001:2018能源管理体系

ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

GB/T 23331-2012能源管理体系要求

GB/T 29456-2012能源管理体系实施指南

9. ISO370012016反贿赂管理体系

ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

10. ISO/TS22163:2017国际铁路行业标准体系

ISO/TS 22163:2017 Railway applications — Quality management system — Business management system requirements for rail organizations:

ISO 9001:2015 and particular requirements for application in the rail sector


11. ISO13485:2016医疗器械质量管理体系

ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices — Quality management systems — Requirements for regulatory purposes

YY/T 0287-2017医疗器械 质量管理体系 用于法规的要求

12. ISO15378:2017药包材GMP标准认证

ISO 15378:2017 Primary packaging materials for medicinal products — Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2015, with reference to good manufacturing practice (GMP)

T/CNPPA 3005-2019药包材生产质量管理指南(团体标准)

13. ISO22716:2007全球化妆品良好生产规范

ISO 22716:2007 Cosmetics — Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices


IATF16949:2016 IATF Publications (English version)

IATF16949:2016 IATF出版物(中文版)

15. AS9100航空航天质量管理体系

SAE AS9100D  Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations

16. RSPO棕榈油可持续发展供应链认证 (免费)

RSPO Principle & Criteria for the Production of Sustainable Palm Oil 2018

RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standards 2014 &2020

RSPO Independent Smallholder Standard

17. 药品GMP (免费)


18. C-TPAT海关商贸反恐怖联盟计划 (免费)

C-TPAT Minimum Security Criteria – Foreign Manufacturers March 2020

19. TL9000通信行业质量管理体系

TL9000 Quality Management System Requirements Handbook

20. IECQ QC080000电子产品有害物质过程管理体系

IECQ 080000-EN: 2017  ENGLISH VERSION - IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ System) - Hazardous Substance Process Management (HSPM) System Requirements

国际电工委员会080000-ZHS:2017 简体中文版-国际电工委员会电子元件质量评估系统-危险物质过程管理(HSPM)系统要求

21. FDA (免费)

Compliance Program Guidance Manual (CPGM)

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)

FDA Compliance Policy Guides (CPG) 

22. UL

UL Standards

23. SA8000 Certification社会责任管理体系 (免费)

SA8000:2014 Standard

SA8000:2014 Performance Indicator Annex (English)

SA8000:2014 Peformance Indicator Annex (Chinese)

SA8000:2014 Guidance Document

24. FSC® COC Certification (免费)

FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0 Chain of Custody Certification Standard (English)

FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0产销监管链认证标准 (中文翻译)


免费标准获取方法:点击以下链接,选择“FREE PDF”,语言分别选Chinese和English,然后按页面提示操作,分别完成中英文下载。

BRCGS Food Safety Issue 8 (英文)/ BRCGS 食品安全 第8版 (中文)

BRCGS Packaging Materials Issue 6 (英文)/BRCGS 包装材料 第6版 (中文)

BRCGS Consumer Product (General Merchandise) Issue 4 (英文)/ BRCGS消费品(日用商品)第4版 (中文)

BRCGS Consumer Product (Personal Care and Household) Issue 4 (英文)/ BRCGS消费品(个人护理和家庭)第4版 (中文)

BRCGS Storage and Distribution Issue 4 (英文)/BRCGS  贮藏和配送 第4版 (中文)

BRCGS Agents and Brokers Issue 2 (英文)/ BRCGS 代理商与经纪商 第2版 (中文)

BRCGS Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing Issue 2/BRCGS道德贸易和负责任采购第二版

26. TE 标准 (免费)

Global Recycled Standard (GRS)  

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)  

Organic Content Standard (OCS)  

Responsible Down Standard (RDS)  

Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)  

Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS)  

Content Claim Standard (CCS)

27. MSC/ASC COC (免费)

MSC Chain of Custody Standard - Default Version v5.0
