ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems—Requirements
2. ISO14001:2015环境管理体系
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems—Requirements with guidance for use
GB/T 24001 - 2016环境管理体系要求及使用指南
3. ISO45001: 2018职业健康安全管理体系
GB/T 45001-2020职业健康安全管理体系 要求及使用指南
4. ISO22000: 2005 & 2018食品安全管理体系
ISO22000:2005 - Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain
ISO22000:2018 - Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain
GB/T 22000-2006食品安全管理体系 食品链中各类组织的要求
5. ISO22301: 2012 & 2019业务连续性管理体系
ISO22301:2012 - Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements
ISO22301:2019 - Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements
GB/T 30146-2013公共安全 业务连续性管理体系要求
6. ISO27001:2013信息安全管理体系
GB/T 22080-2016信息技术安全技术信息安全管理体系要求
7. ISO20000: 信息技术服务管理体系
8. ISO50001:2018能源管理体系
ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
9. ISO37001:2016反贿赂管理体系
ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
10. ISO/TS22163:2017国际铁路行业标准体系
ISO/TS 22163:2017 Railway applications — Quality management system — Business management system requirements for rail organizations:
ISO 9001:2015 and particular requirements for application in the rail sector
11. ISO13485:2016医疗器械质量管理体系
ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices — Quality management systems — Requirements for regulatory purposes
YY/T 0287-2017医疗器械 质量管理体系 用于法规的要求
12. ISO15378:2017药包材GMP标准认证
T/CNPPA 3005-2019药包材生产质量管理指南(团体标准)
13. ISO22716:2007全球化妆品良好生产规范
IATF16949:2016 IATF Publications (English version)
15. AS9100航空航天质量管理体系
SAE AS9100D Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations
16. RSPO棕榈油可持续发展供应链认证 (免费)
RSPO Principle & Criteria for the Production of Sustainable Palm Oil 2018
RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standards 2014 &2020
RSPO Independent Smallholder Standard
17. 药品GMP (免费)
18. C-TPAT海关商贸反恐怖联盟计划 (免费)
C-TPAT Minimum Security Criteria – Foreign Manufacturers March 2020
19. TL9000通信行业质量管理体系
TL9000 Quality Management System Requirements Handbook
20. IECQ QC080000电子产品有害物质过程管理体系
国际电工委员会080000-ZHS:2017 简体中文版-国际电工委员会电子元件质量评估系统-危险物质过程管理(HSPM)系统要求
21. FDA (免费)
Compliance Program Guidance Manual (CPGM)
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)
FDA Compliance Policy Guides (CPG)
22. UL
23. SA8000 Certification社会责任管理体系 (免费)
SA8000:2014 Performance Indicator Annex (English)
SA8000:2014 Peformance Indicator Annex (Chinese)
24. FSC® COC Certification (免费)
FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0 Chain of Custody Certification Standard (English)
FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0产销监管链认证标准 (中文翻译)
免费标准获取方法:点击以下链接,选择“FREE PDF”,语言分别选Chinese和English,然后按页面提示操作,分别完成中英文下载。
BRCGS Food Safety Issue 8 (英文)/ BRCGS 食品安全 第8版 (中文)
BRCGS Packaging Materials Issue 6 (英文)/BRCGS 包装材料 第6版 (中文)
BRCGS Consumer Product (General Merchandise) Issue 4 (英文)/ BRCGS消费品(日用商品)第4版 (中文)
BRCGS Consumer Product (Personal Care and Household) Issue 4 (英文)/ BRCGS消费品(个人护理和家庭)第4版 (中文)
BRCGS Storage and Distribution Issue 4 (英文)/BRCGS 贮藏和配送 第4版 (中文)
BRCGS Agents and Brokers Issue 2 (英文)/ BRCGS 代理商与经纪商 第2版 (中文)
BRCGS Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing Issue 2/BRCGS道德贸易和负责任采购第二版
26. TE 标准 (免费)
Global Recycled Standard (GRS)
Organic Content Standard (OCS)
Responsible Down Standard (RDS)
Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)
Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS)
27. MSC/ASC COC (免费)