机关、团体、企业、事业单位消防安全管理规定(中华人民共和国公安部今第61号), 第二十条
Provisionson the Administration of Fire Control Safety of State Organs, Organizations,Enterprises and Institutions, Article 20
The entities shallimplement strict fire safety management in terms of open fire usage.<0}
{0>禁止在具有火灾、爆炸危险的场所使用明火;因特殊情况需要进行电、气焊等明火作业的,动火部门和人员应当按照单位的用火管理制度办理审批手续,落实现场监护人,在确认无火灾、爆炸危险后方可动火施工。<}100{>Openfire is not allowed in fire-prone area and area with potential of explosion; ifelectric and gas welding is needed due to special situations, fire-operationdepartment and its personnel shall get approval according to fire usagemanagement system. Construction involving fire operation shall have on-siteguardian and be undertaken after conformation of no potential fire andexplosion. <0}{0>动火施工人员应当遵守消防安全规定,并落实相应的消防安全措施。<}100{>Fireoperator shall conform to fire safety regulations and implement thecorresponding fire safety measures.<0}
{0>公众聚集场所或者两个以上单位共同使用的建筑物局部施工需要使用明火时,施工单位和使用单位应当共同采取措施,将施工区和使用区进行防火分隔,清除动火区域的易燃、可燃物,配置消防器材,专人监护,保证施工及使用范围的消防安全。<}100{>Ifopen fire is needed for parts of building construction in public gatheringareas or areas shared by more than two entities, constructor and end-user shalljointly take measures to set up fire-proof divider between construction areaand using area, clean up the inflammable and combustible, and allocatefire-control facilities and specially-assigned guardian in order to guaranteefire safety in construction and using areas.<0}
{0>公共娱乐场所在营业期间禁止动火施工。<}100{>Constructioninvolving fire is not allowed in public entertainment area during businesshour.<0}