建筑防火通用规范(GB 55037-2022)第7.1.11条

防火规范 高度 建筑设计 楼梯


    1 室外疏散楼梯的栏杆扶手高度不应小于1.10m,倾斜角度不应大于45°;

    2 除3层及3层以下建筑的室外疏散楼梯可采用难燃性材料或木结构外,室外疏散楼梯的梯段和平台均应采用不燃材料;

    3 除疏散门外,楼梯周围2.0m内的墙面上不应设置其他开口,疏散门不应正对梯段。


General Specification for Building Fire Protection(GB 55037-2022), Article 7.1.11

Outdoor evacuation stairs shall meetthe following requirements:

1. The handrail height of outdoorevacuation stairs shall not be less than 1.10m, and the inclination shall notbe greater than 45 °;

2. Except that the outdoor evacuationstairs of buildings with 3 floors and below can be made of fire-retardantmaterials or wood structures, the stair flight and landing of the outdoorevacuation stairs shall be non-combustible;

3. Except for the evacuation door, noother openings shall be set on the wall within 2.0m around the stair, and theevacuation door shall not directly face the stair flight.

