
高度 建筑设计 栏杆

6.7.3 阳台、外廊、室内回廊、内天井、上人屋面及室外楼梯等临空处应设置防护栏杆,并应符合下列规定:

Uniform Standardsfor Design of Civil Buildings GB 503522019

6.7.3 Guard railshall be installed at air free sections such as veranda, lanai, indoor

corridor,interior patio, accessible roof and exterior stairway, and shall comply withthe


2) When air free height is lessthan 24m, railing height shall not be less than 1.05m;

when air freeheight is 25 m or more than 24m, railing

height shall notbe less than 1.10m; The railing height facing theatrium in public places such as schools, businesses, hospitals, hotels andtransportation buildings should not be less than 1.20m.

3) Railing heightshall be calculated according to vertical height from building ground or roof to top surface of handrail; if there is stepped place at railing bottom,its width is larger than or equal to 0.22mand height is less than or equal to 0.45m, then, railing height shall becalculated from the top ofstepped place.

4) It isinadvisable to leave a blank in height of 0.10m from railing to the bottomsurface;
