工业企业设计卫生标准(GBZ 1-2010)

化学品 通风 卫生 泄露 在生产中可能突然逸出大量有害物质或易造成急性中毒或易燃易爆的化学物质的室内作业场所,应设置事故通风装置及与事故排风系统相连锁的泄漏报警装置。

6.1.6 应结合生产工艺和毒物特性,在有可能发生急性职业中毒的工作场所,根据自动报警装置技术发展水平设计自动报警或检测装置。

HygienicStandards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises (GBZ1-2010) Emergency ventilation equipmentsand the leakage alarm device interlocking with the

emergency air exhaust system shall beinstalled in such operational fields where a great deal

noxious substance, chemical substancesthat may bring about acute toxicity or combustible

and explosive chemical substances mayescape.

6.1.6 In the workplaces where acuteoccupational poisoning may take place, the autoalarm or

detection devices shall be designedaccording to the technical development level of automatic

warning device by combining with theproduction process and the characteristics of toxicant.
