工业企业设计卫生标准(GBZ 1-2010) 第6.1.7条

急救 卫生

6.1.7 可能存在或产生有毒物质的工作场所应根据有毒物质的理化特性和危害特点配备现场急救用品,设置冲洗喷淋设备、应急撤离通道、必要的泄险区以及风向标。泄险区应低位设置且有防透水层,泄漏物质和冲洗水应集中纳入工业废水处理系统。

Hygienic standardsfor the Design of Industrial Enterprises (GBZ 1-2010), Article 6.1.7

The workplace where may exist or produce toxic substances shall beallocated with field

first aid appliances, installed with washingand sprinkling equipments, emergency evacuation exits, necessaryhazard-eliminating area as well as wind vane according to according to thephysical and chemical characteristics and hazard characteristics of the toxicsubstances. The hazard-eliminating area shall be set at low level and shall bewith permeable layer, the leaking substances and wash water shall be broughtunder the industrial waste water treatment system.  
