工业企业设计卫生标准(GBZ 1-2010)

急救 卫生


8.1.2 应急救援组织机构急救人员的人数宜根据工作场所的规模、职业性有害因素的特点、劳动者人数,按照0.1%~5%的比例配备,并对急救人员进行相关知识和技能的培训。有条件的企业,每个工作班宜至少安排1名急救人员。

Hygienic standardsfor the Design of Industrial Enterprises (GBZ 1-2010)

8.1 For the industrial enterprisein which toxic substance is produced or used, or acute

occupational disease may generate, manpowerquota design shall consist of emergency-rescue organization (station)compilation and personnel.

8.1.2 First-aid personnel inemergency rescue organization shall be allocated according to

workplace scale, occupational hazardcharacteristic and workers basing on 0.1% ~ 5%

proportion, after which, the first-aidpersonnel shall be trained with related knowledge and

skill. If possible, at least one first-aidperson shall be arranged in each operating crew.

