
检验 职业病




Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases (effective since December 29, 2018), Article 26

Employersshall designate special persons responsible for the daily monitoring ofoccupational disease hazard factors and ensure the normal operation of themonitoring system.

An employershall, according to the provisions of the health administrative department ofthe State Council, conduct regular tests and evaluations of the occupationaldisease hazard factors at its work sites. The results of such tests andevaluations shall be entered into the occupational health archives of theemployer and, on a regular basis, be reported to the local healthadministrative department and disclosed to its employees.

The testsand evaluations of occupational disease hazard factors shall be conducted bythe legally established occupational health technical service institutionsaccredited by the health administrative department of the State Council or thehealth administrative department of the local people's government at or abovelevel of a districted city according to its functions. The occupational healthtechnical service institutions shall provide objective and authentic tests andevaluations.

Whendiscovering that the occupational disease hazard factors at a work site fail tomeet the national occupational health standards and health requirements, anemployer shall take corresponding control measures immediately, and if thenational occupational health standards and health requirements are still notmet, the employer must discontinue operations with occupational disease hazardfactors; and such operations may be resumed only after the occupational diseasehazard factors have met the national occupational health standards and healthrequirements after control measures are taken.
