广东省实施《女职工劳动保护特别规定》办法 第十一条

假期 年假



The Measures of Guangdong Province on theImplementation of Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Female Employees,Article 11

Every female employee is entitled to a maternity leave of 98 days, ofwhich 15 days may be used before childbirth. In case of dystocia, the maternityleave shall be extended by 30 days. In cases of multiple births, the maternityleave shall be extended by 15 days for each additional newborn; femaleemployees who give birth to children in accordance with all applicable laws andregulations shall be entitled to an award of additional days to their maternityleaves in accordance with relevant provisions of the Regulations of GuangdongProvince on Population and Family Planning.

Where a female employee whose pregnancy is terminated within the firstfour months thereof, she shall be entitled to a maternity leave of 15 to 30days subject to the diagnosis of a medical institution; where the pregnancy is terminatedbetween 4 months and 7 months, she shall be entitled to a maternity leave of 42days; where the pregnancy is terminated after 7 months, she shall be entitledto a maternity leave of 75 days.
