中华人民共和国劳动合同法 第十四条



Labor Contract Law of thePeople’s Republic of China, Article 14

An open-ended labor contractis one where the employing unit and the worker have agreed not to stipulate adefinite ending date.

An employing unit and aworker may conclude an open-ended labor contract upon reaching consensusthrough consultation. If a worker proposes or agrees to renew the laborcontract or to conclude a labor contract in any of the following circumstances,an open-ended labor contract shall be concluded, unless the worker requests theconclusion of a fixed-term labor contract:

(1) The worker has beenworking for the employing unit for a consecutive period of 10 or more years;

(2) The worker has beenworking for the employing unit for a consecutive period of 10 or more years butless than 10 years away from the statutory retirement age when the employingunit introduces the labor contract system or when the State-owned enterprisehas to conclude a new labor contract with him as a result of restructuring; or

(3) The worker intends torenew the labor contract after he has consecutively concluded a fixed-termlabor contract with the employing unit twice and he has not been found in anyof the circumstances specified in Article 39 or Subparagraph (1) or (2) inArticle 40 of this Law.

If an employing unit fails toconclude a written labor contract with a worker within one year as of the datewhen it employs the worker, it shall be deemed to have concluded an open-endedlabor contract with the latter.
