建筑防火通用规范(GB 55037-2022)第8.1.8条



   1 地上不小于50000纱锭的棉纺厂房中的开包、清花车间,不小于5000锭的麻纺厂房中的分级、梳麻车间,火柴厂的烤梗、筛选部位;

   2 地上占地面积大于1500㎡或总建筑面积大于3000㎡的单、多层制鞋、制衣、玩具及电子等类似用途的厂房;

   3 占地面积大于1500㎡的地上木器厂房;

   4 泡沫塑料厂的预发、成型、切片、压花部位;

   5 除本条第1款~第4款规定外的其他乙、丙类高层厂房;

   6 建筑面积大于500㎡的地下或半地下丙类生产场所;

   7 除占地面积不大于2000㎡的单层棉花仓库外,每座占地面积大于1000㎡的棉、毛、丝、麻、化纤、毛皮及其制品的地上仓库;

   8 每座占地面积大于600㎡的地上火柴仓库;


   10 设计温度高于0℃的地上高架冷库,设计温度高于0℃且每个防火分区建筑面积大于1500㎡的地上非高架冷库;
    11 除本条第7款~第10款规定外,其他每座占地面积大于1500㎡或总建筑面积大于3000㎡的单、多层丙类仓库;

   12 除本条第7款~第11款规定外,其他丙、丁类地上高架仓库,丙、丁类高层仓库;

   13 地下或半地下总建筑面积大于500㎡的丙类仓库。

 GeneralSpecification for Building Fire Protection (GB 55037-2022), Article 8.1.8

Exceptthat bulk grain storages may not be equipped with automatic fire extinguishingsystems, the following factory buildings or production areas and storages shallbe equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems:

1. Theunpacking and blowing workshops of the aboveground cotton mill with no lessthan 50000 spindles, the sorting and carding workshops of flax mill with noless than 5000 spindles, and the stick toasting and screening areas of match factory;

2. Theaboveground single-/multi-storey factory buildings with occupied area greaterthan 1500 or total buildingarea greater than 3000 for thesimilar purposes such as shoe making, clothing making, toys and electronics;

3.Aboveground woodenware factory buildings with occupied area greater than 1500;

4. Thepre-foaming, forming, slicing and embossing areas of foam plastic factory;

5.Other Category B and C high-rise factory buildings other than those specifiedin paragraphs 1 to 4 of this article;

6.Underground or semi-underground Category C production sites with building area greaterthan 500m2;

7. Inaddition to the single-storey cotton storage with occupied area no greater than2000, each aboveground storage of cotton, wool, silk, linen,chemical fiber, fur and their products, with the occupied area greater than1000;

8.Each aboveground match storage with occupied area greater than 600


10.The aboveground high rack refrigeration storage with designed temperaturehigher than 0, and theaboveground non-high rack refrigeration storage with designed temperaturehigher than 0 and building areaof each fire compartment greater than 1500m2;

11. Inaddition to the provisions of paragraphs 7 to 10 of this article, other single-ormulti-storey Category C storages with occupied area greater than 1500 or total building area greater than 3000;

12. Inaddition to the provisions of paragraphs 7 to 11 of this article, otheraboveground high rack storages of Category C and D, and high-rise storages of Category C and D;

13. Undergroundor semi-underground Category C storage with total building area greater than500.
