深圳市员工工资支付条例 第十一条

工资 薪水 支付

第十一条 工资支付周期不超过一个月的,约定的工资支付日不得超过支付周期期满后第七日;工资支付周期超过一个月不满一年的,约定的工资支付日不得超过支付周期期满后的一个月;工资支付周期在一年以上的,约定的工资支付日不得超过支付周期期满后的六个月。



Regulations of the Shenzhen Municipality on the Wage Payment to Employees, Article 11

If a wage pay period is less than 1 month, an agreed date of wage payment shall not be later than the 7th day after the term expires; if a wage pay period is more than 1 month but less than 1year, an agreed date of wage payment shall not be later than 1 month after the term expires; if a wage pay period is more than 1 year, an agreed date of wage payment shall not be later than 6 months after the term expires.

If the wage pay period is one month, and the wage is less than one month from the date of employment to the agreed wage payment date, the employer can convert the payment on the first wage payment day or combine the payment on the next wage payment day. The specific details will be determined through negotiation between the employer and the employee.

If a date of wage payment happens to be a legal holiday or a non-business day, the payment shall be made on a preceding business day.
