中华人民共和国大气污染防治法(2018年10月26日施行) 第二十条



Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution (effective since October 26, 2018) Article 20

Where enterprises, institutions and other producers and businessoperators discharge pollutants into the atmosphere, they shall set up outletsfor the discharge of atmospheric pollutants in accordance with laws andregulations and the provisions of the competent department of ecologicalenvironment under the state council.It is prohibited to discharge atmosphericpollutants by means of evading supervision, such as stealing emissions,tampering with or falsifying monitoring data, temporarily stopping productionfor the purpose of evading on-site inspection, opening emergency dischargechannels in non-emergency situations, or improperly operating air pollutionprevention and control facilities.
