

第二十九条  食品经营许可证载明的事项发生变化的,食品经营者应当在变化后十个工作日内向原发证的市场监督管理部门申请变更食品经营许可。食品经营者地址迁移,不在原许可经营场所从事食品经营活动的,应当重新申请食品经营许可。

Measures for the Management of Food Business Licensing and Filing (effective since December 1, 2023), Article 29

Article 29 If there is any change of the items stated in the food business license, the food business operator shall apply to the original market supervision and management department that issued the license to change the food business license within ten working days after the change. If the address of the food business operator is relocated and no longer engages in food business activities at the original licensed business premises, it shall re-apply for a food business license.
