深圳市员工工资支付条例 (2015年12月1日起施行) 第二十八条

工资 停产 停工 支付


(一) 停工一个月以内的,按照员工本人标准工资的百分之八十支付;

(二) 停工超过一个月的,按照不低于最低工资的百分之八十支付。

Regulations of the Shenzhen Municipality on the Wage Payment to Employees, Article 28

If an employing unit partly or entirely suspends production operation for a reason which is not employee’s own fault, the employing unit shall pay wages to the employee suspended from work during the period of suspension according to the following rates:(1)in case of being suspended from work for less than 1 month, the pay shall be 80% of the employee‘s own standard wage;(2) in case of being suspended from work for more than 1 month, the pay shall be no less than 80% of the employee’s own standard wage.
