深圳市员工工资支付条例 第二十三条
第二十三条 员工患病或者非因工负伤停止工作进行医疗,在国家规定的医疗期内的,用人单位应当按照不低于本人正常工作时间工资的百分之六十支付员工病伤假期工资,但是不得低于本市最低工资标准的百分之八十。
Regulations of the Shenzhen Municipality on the Wage Payment toEmployees, Article 23
If an employee falls ill or is not injured at work and stops working for medical treatment, and is within the medical period stipulated by the state, the employer shall pay the employee sick leave salary at a rate not lower than 60% of their normal working hours salary, and not lower than 80% of the minimum wage in this city.