工业企业设计卫生标准(GBZ 1-2010)
6.1.1 优先采用先进的生产工艺、技术和无毒(害)或低毒(害)的原材料,消除或减少尘、毒职业性有害因素;对于工艺、技术和原材料达不到要求的,应根据生产工艺和粉尘、毒物特性,参照GBZ/T194的规定设计相应的防尘、防毒通风控制措施,使劳动者活动的工作场所有害物质浓度符合GBZ2.1要求;如预期劳动者接触浓度不符合要求的,应根据实际接触情况,参照GBZ/T 195、GB/T19664的要求同时设计有效的个人防护措施。
Hygienic Standardsfor the Design of Industrial Enterprises (GBZ 1-2010), Article 6.1.1
Theadvanced production process, technologies as well as innoxious (harmless) orlow
toxicity (harmfulness)raw materials shall be adopted firstly to eliminate or reduce dust,
toxicant,and occupational hazards; provided that the process, technologies and rawmaterials cannot meet the requirements, corresponding dust prevention, gasdefense and ventilation control measures shall be designed according to theproduction process and the characteristics of dust and toxicant by makingreference to those specified in GBZ/T 194 so as to make the concentration of noxioussubstances in the workplace where the workers activate meet the requirementspecified in GBZ2.1; if the expected concentration contacted by the workersfails to meet the requirement, effective personal protective measures shall bedesigned simultaneously according to the actual contacting conditions by makingreference to those specified in GBZH.195 and GB/T 18664.